put "This Droolish officer was probably unfit for any work besides"& " sitting behind a desk and telling people not to go through a door"& ". Don't worry - the growls you hear are probably just from his "& "stomach."into field "info"
pass opencard
end opencard
-- part 1 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: A003
-- rect: left=161 top=302 right=323 bottom=192
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: OK
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global filter
if filter is "yes" then
exit mouseup
end if
global donteat
get bkgnd field "do what"
if the number of words in it > 1 then
beep 2
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "examine" or it contains "look" then
send "opencard" to this card
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "hit" or it contains "kick" or it contains "punch" or it contains "push" or it contains "attack" or it contains "kill" then
play "boing"
put "When you hit the Drool, he screams. Very "& "loud. Guards swarm into the room, and, to make a long story"& " short, you die.≈∏"into field"info"
global filter
put "yes" into filter
global action
put "attack" into action
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "eat" or it contains "consume" then
put "When you bite the Drool, he screams. Very "& "loud. Guards swarm into the room, and, to make a long story"& " short, you die.≈∏"into field"info"
global filter
put "yes" into filter
global action
put "attack" into action
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "talk" or it contains "speak" then
put "The Drool is not listening."into field"info"
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "give" or it contains "offer"then
ask "What would you like to give the Drool?"
if it contains "food" or it contains "tray"then
global inventory
if inventory contains "Tray" then
put "When you offer the food to the officer, he snatches it "& "away from you. ""e&"Thanks! I'm famished,""e&" he"& " squeaks. Unfortunately for him, so was the food.≈∏"into field "info"
global inventory
get offset ("Tray of food",inventory)
put "" into char it to 11 +it of inventory
global deadsec
put "yes" into deadsec
global action
put "yah" into action
global filter
put "yes" into filter
exit mouseup
put "You can't give what you don't have!" into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
put "The Drool is not interested in the "&it&"." into field "Info"
exit mouseup
end if
end if
if it is "" then
put "Speak up. I can't hear you." into field "info"